Sunday, June 19, 2011

30 Boxes

30 Boxes

Description: 30 Boxes is a web application. It is an online calendar application that you may use freely. The calendar can access feeds from different social networking sites like Twitter, Blogger, Myspace, and Facebook. It will generate a social timeline which list all the user's recent activities. 30 Boxes can also be accessed as a mobile calendar.


Demo Video: 


Calendar view of 30 Boxes

Tool for searching events

Day view of 30 Boxes

How students can make the most out of it:
Students will be able to maximize this application by filling them up with their scheduled classes and organization meetings. They may also include their social events here and other important events. The calendar maybe a mix of school and social events of the students.


Effectiveness: You get to be reminded of events and not mix up your schedules.

Efficiency: You get to organize your time for free without any help from an assistant.

Anywhere and Anything: It's accessible using any mobile device, smartphone, or computer. You just need an internet connection or wifi. 

Regarding the productivity that it gives we recommend this application. It gives a certain balance to being professional and socially active with friends. It is also an easy access application. We'd give this application a rating of 3.5/4 in terms of productivity. This app be LEGIT F R E S H!

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